Our DS in 1st was pulled into 2nd for math and reading. In 2nd he went to 4th for math and reading and 3rd to 5th.
In 4th we were out of curriculum for this school.
We were pressed to skip to middle school. We were not on board with a full skip.
We tutored with AoPS Pre algebra. No Magnet in our situation.
The School district basically washed there hands if we didn't skip.
We opted for a Private middle school for 5th thru 8th

As you can imagine I could write a book about it but kept it brief.

Sounds like you have a good thing going.

I will add, when we started 1st grade we told the school he was bright and we already had him tested SB5 the previous summer. On the other hand we wanted them to observe him and place him where they though he should be. They were wonderful working with us.

Last edited by mecreature; 12/05/13 07:26 AM.