I am sure most of you don't really know how to answer my question but that's okay. Being able to come on here and talk is helpful to me as long as you all don't mind reading. My DD9 is working through her grieving in a surprising way. We were talking tonight about how things would be different in her gifted class when she gets back in there and she decided she had to show me something on the computer. I thought it pertained to something in her class. But what she had looked up surprised me. She pulled up on Wikipedia the Kubler-Ross model for grieving. I told her her teacher would have been proud of her that she is taking the time to learn about her grieving and understand that whatever she is feeling is okay. I just keep telling her that I am here and that if she needs to talk I will listen. If any of you have any other information on grieving that I can pass along to her that would be great. Somehow reading about it seems to be helping her through it, and helping her talk about it.
Thanks for letting me talk to you all. At least I have somewhere to lean.