This is a somewhat specific question but from what I have read recently it may not be as specific as I thought.
Backstory: Today our school district woke up to some horrible news. Our Gifted teacher passed away suddenly and it's been a tough road. I have found out through this that this teacher was as much a counselor to her students as she was a teacher. I knew she was like this with my daughter but had no clue until today that she was like this with other students as well. Although I probably should have knowing most gifted kids are dealing with so many other issues and knowing the gifted teachers are most often the only ones that "get" them.
So here is my question. How do we, as parents, help to facilitate our kids needs in this kind of situation. The parents have been talking by e-mail all day and through a web group but I think we are all a little lost. Plus this teacher taught elementary for years before the gifted position opened up so she has many students that are dealing with this that aren't in the gifted program. We also don't want to overstep our boundaries where it comes to the grieving of the family.