My 8 year old says some things that are truly bizarre and just plain made-up, but you know your kid and whether he has that tendency.
DD came home from school one day shortly after the school year started and told me that her writing teacher made them play a "game" where they all had to stand in two rows and hide their faces with their hands. A few kids at a time were "tappers" and had to go around tapping other kids' heads when the teacher asked questions. DD said the teachers questions were things like "Who is mean and catty?" "Who can keep an important secret" (sounds like something a pedophile would ask), "Who don't you get along with". For the "mean and catty" question DD tapped the heads of two kids that she has had problems with in the past. One of the kids was of course peeking, and slapped her after she tapped him.
This sounded like such a bizarre story that I didn't think it could possibly be true. What kind of third grade teacher would have the kids play a game like that? It wouldn't even be appropriate for older kids. I called another mom to see if DD was lying or if it was true. She asked her DD and her DD confirmed everything my DD said (plus added more bizarre questions). So in that case it was all true! But sometimes I never know. She comes up with strange stories sometimes and later admits that she was making it up.

The other mom (who I asked about the head tapping game) was a bit horrified and went to the regular classroom teacher and asked about it. The teacher said "sounds like it was a fun game." and totally pooh poohed it, saying this other teacher is "great". They are all going to defend each other, no matter what a parent or child says. I wonder if you can ask another mom in the class if her child heard that comment? If you have verification or a witness, maybe it would be more evidence?