Thanks all. Yeah, I documented it in an email. We had similar problems last year where I eventually threatened to take action for a "hostile learning environment. " So I have been here before, I know the drill

. I had to involve the assistant superintendent and got a lawyer before the school starting behaving itself last year. Lawyer is still on retainer; so, depending on what kind of response I get she may be involved. pretty quickly. She could at least do a letter to the superintendent. It burns me up that they do all this social skills stuff with the kids and they are always putting my kid in social skills group but they're own staff are the ones that need some serious social-skills training! I told them last year they should really give these people some sort of disability sensitivity training.
I'm also annoyed because I end up talking to the teacher about giving DS breaks. We had to talk to anyway b/c I needed to tell her I was taking DS out of school for a week for Disneyworld. We plan to have a meeting the week after we get back to discuss the inattention and, supposedly, strategies/interventions to help. She has specifically asked me more than once if I have any strategies that I think would help. So, when I talked to her at the end of last week I told her I'd put powerade in DS's bag and she should start giving him consistent breaks. Well it's only been two full days since I made the suggestion and he hasn't gotten any breaks. She's been very evasive about it saying she wants to wait until the meeting. I say let's start now and we can see and discuss how much it helps when we meet. He has breaks in his IEP already (just not specifically laid out as in every so many minutes or whatever). What's the problem? I think the problem is she is making such a fuss over inattention because they want him on meds not because they want to actually accommodate the disability. Well, the kid has got a physical disability - I can't just run out and start him on meds ... it's gonna take a while lady so lets' do th eother stuff until then. Grrrrr.