2013 was a crazy year for our family in terms of education.

We withdrew my then 16 year old son from the IB program at the only private high school in the area in January, and he enrolled at the community college in March. I felt like I was stepping off a cliff--I mean, how do we explain his weird progression through high school to four-year colleges? But I see now that the decision was the right one for him. He is now able to pursue his interests (STEM stuff) with others who have the same passions, and he even has time for a part time job as an assistant engineer. At the IB school, he was constantly being stuffed into a humanities box, and he was miserable.

We also decided to do a second skip for my 11 year old son. Socially, it's been ok but not great and academically it's still not enough. We're currently trying to decide whether to homeschool him for the next few years or try some sort of partial homeschooling thing.