indigo, what a wonderful topic. Thanks for providing the opportunity to capture the highlights and hopes. You didn't share your story. Hoping you do.
2013 has been a good year for us! DD4 started at a new preschool. And while I was very unsure of my decision, the school has worked out well. I am most proud of the homeschool I setup for DD. DD continues to spend hours in there on days she is home. DD can effortlessly and without any instruction do any first grade math and some second grade as well. And I am so happy that she has started to read! She can read almost any word now (phonetic or not)and starting to read small picture books. She is slow but improving. She is into poetry and wrote a wonderful winter poem that she read to her entire school on the last day of school. She is a delightful, funny, creative 4 year old and I am loving life right now. smile
2014 is going to be a year to decide whether we move her to public school and save money or keep her where she is happy (not a hard decision but still needs pondering and discussions). Also, we need to decide if I can continue my part-time work so DD is homeschooled 2 days a week or if she attends school all 5 days so I can bring in more money. So hoping for a good balance!
Would be so nice to hear from others here on this topic.