Thank you all! Yes, the clueless partners and family members. When it comes to DS saying "I don't feel right" We have to "over-react" every time. And by that I mean really take it seriously, pull him from whatever he's doing and watch him, give him Benadryl (I have given him Benadryl for what turned out to be chapped lips but it's really better to be do that and be wrong than the other way around), have the epi-pen. The whole "well he didn't ingest any peanuts so he must be fine" just can't be a mindset because it seems like this kid can be allergic to anything. (plus things can be accidently and unknowingly contaminated). When I discovered he was allergic to lentils he was 6, we were at my mother in law's house (who knows all about his peanut allergy), she served us lentil soup for lunch which he liked - until about ten minutes in, he put down his spoon and said "I don't feel right - does this have peanuts?" MIL doubled checked ingredients while I got meds. Ds said "I really don't feel right. I'm gonna lay down" (he laid on the couch in front of the tv and mil said "Oh I think you're fine you just want to watch TV" Uh no when he wants to watch to tv he asks to watch tv he doesn't feign illness! Anyway, turned out he was having a reaction. She was really surprised that he was having an actual reaction. When we went to the allergist he was highly allergic to lentils. I worry b/c the Benadryl is still hard for him to give himself - the quick melt tabs are good to carry around but hard to get open when you have fine motor issues (even for me they are) and with his eyes swelling and such it's even harder. I love the new epi-pens though - they talk to you and talk you through administration

And they are smaller and less cumbersome!
Anyway, I am thinking now the source of last night's reaction is actually the agave nectar in this protein shake I gave him. Either way, I'll get him to the allergist and get some tests. thanks for the link I would love a place to read and connect with others with the same issues.