I don't know what the deal is with me and meat. I did actually test allergic to beef, but at the time I tested I could eat it. Now I can't eat it, or pork either. (I can eat chicken and fish just fine, so it's not some psychological vegetarian thing or inability to digest all meat). I get a lot of tick bites due to being outdoorsy and my husband's occupation (he works outside, and despite repellent use and showering immediately on coming home, he brings in ticks). I have also had Lyme once.
My allergist said that testing positive indicates sensitization and that I needed to observe actual response to the foods in question. They offered a food challenge, but I didn't feel I needed it. I didn't get any 4 reactions, just 1-3. Of these, I now notice a mild reaction to one food and now do not eat it, but am not obsessive about it. If I were to avoid the foods I tested allergic to I feel like would not be able to eat anything, really (I tested positive to dairy, soy, several tree nuts, and corn, among other weird ones like broccoli and black pepper, and then there's the vegetarian thing) and I also tested positive to something like 60 environmental allergens. I had a really impressive array of welts that day! The allergist said that of their 400 patients I am among the top 5 most allergic. Yet other than recent development of allergy-linked migraines and problems with sneezing and runny eyes in childhood, I have few allergic symptoms. I do have oral allergy syndrome and have always had it. I am not a huge fan of raw fruits and veggies for that reason.