I think I was one of these kids; and I know my ds13 tested like that high in some areas, visual spatial (and spelling?) anyway, very low processing speed.
I was and am very slow at math computation but do great with concepts and logic. I see this same pattern with my son - math fact sheet? no thank you, we did those for a few years and finally just told the school NO. (Now we homeschool altogether so that is nice).

I think of it this way, but don't know if the physiology/growth of the brain really goes like this:
like a database being built on the fly, you might build a few of the main tables and start collecting data.
over the years (by age 6, 7, 10?)
you've built up BILLIONS of rows of records, and many more
Naturally, data is sluggish to return when queries are run,
The dba (the brain) will figure out what items are to be
returned quickly, where to create short cut/reference tables
and indexing, etc.
Eventually the paths/data you love to access comes to you EXTREMELY quickly, optimized as it were, but still you might be a bit sluggish on the stuff you *know you need* but don't prefer...

this process takes time (years).