My DS7 was tested for ADD-I at the school's insistence. He isn't ADD but he is gifted with very low processing speed (9%tile). I don't know if our tester specifically looked for and ruled out dyspraxia but from what I know of it I don't think it fits my DS.

We told DS (in broad strokes) and we shared the full results with the school. They wrote up an IEP with accommodations. Between DS realizing that his challenges with writing weren't because he was stupid and the school allowing the use of a scribe when needed it made a huge improvement in his behaviour and enthusiasm about school. The other improvement was that the teacher realized that giving the class 10 steps of instructions and then telling them to go wasn't going to work with him and it wasn't because he was being an obnoxious brat. She seemed to have more patience with him after the results.

This year he has a much stronger teacher and he is doing better. They haven't had to use any of the accommodations and his writing has improved drastically. He still has some signs but he is getting better at coping and at least blending with his classmates. He is less frustrated and angry which is nice. His gifted side is starting to come through more at school and his grades have improved which he is really proud of.

Throughout all of this he has always had an insane ability to focus on things that he wanted to focus on. He's slowly getting better at focusing on things that other people want him to focus on which is helping school run a lot smoother.

YMMV. Good luck!