Originally Posted by ultramarina
Would love ideas for DD9. She likes art, birds, life science, reading, and writing. There isn't much on her list. She doesn't tend to be materialistic, and if she is it's little things, like headbands or tiny cute things, so she isn't coming up with many ideas. We don't buy many books since she is out of shelf space and doesn't usually reread.

A bird field guide book (for your area) and a nice pair of binoculars?
A bird feeder with a baffle for the squirrels.
A window bird feeder.
A bird bath.

My DH is a big birder and the above are all things my DD (who is also 9) has thoroughly enjoyed. She loves going on bird watching excursions with her dad.

As far as crafts go, The Rainbow Loom is hugely popular with this age group right now. They can make all sorts of jewelry with the loom. They have extensive "how to" videos on You Tube for different types of things you can make with The Rainbow Loom.

A real art kit. DD got one from her grandparents last Christmas and she loves it. She uses the different types of mediums (acryllic, water color, oil, chalk) and has made some amazing art work.

Last edited by kelly0523; 11/19/13 11:34 AM.