Originally Posted by Dbat
Thanks, HK. I remember them hurting some but it's been so long it's a hazy memory. I'm thinking maybe we should wait until Summer to get them on so DD doesn't have to deal with her school stuff at the same time, as she gets quite crabby when she is not comfortable.

I am amazed and impressed that your DH took them off by himself!!--I never would have had the guts to do that. Did his parents give up then on braces, or did he end up having to get them anyway?

He says that his dad just about shot a rod when DH GRINNED that night at the dinner table (sans metal), and the orthodontist was seriously impressed by his determination and pain tolerance.

Yes, he had them put BACK on... but apparently during the late 70's in the LA basin, my DH was a legend among the Orthodontics professionals.

I cannot even imagine. My other tips for dealing with a sensitive kiddo in braces:

Pick up about twice as much wax as you think you'll want, and use it LIBERALLY to avoid mouth sores

Premedicate with motrin or ibuprofen prior to appointments, and keep it coming for the first 48 hours after adjustments

keep a VERY soft toothbrush handy for those times when they refuse to use the regular one-- a little cleaning is still better than none at all.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.