Yes, DS11 is in the beginning stages of his orthodontic work. He is sensitive, too, and very picky about food. Really had trouble with the dentist when he was younger, and lots of resistance to brushing. Also, he watched his sister go through her orthodontic work, and was wary after listening to her years of complaining.

How does she do at the dentist, and with brushing? We actually waited several months before starting, as DS was not great with brushing (lots of oral sensitivity issues...). The orthodontist talked to him about things, asked him if he was ready (for his braces and the responsibility it entails) and DS said "no, I don't think so"! So we worked fairly aggressively with him on it and went back this summer.

Partly because of sensitivity concerns, they opted to put just the top braces on at first; he goes in for the bottom braces in a few weeks. He has done fantastically, really surprised us (and the orthodontist), though he is only a few months into it so hasn't had many wire tightenings, no rubber bands yet, etc. He needed prodding about brushing at first, but has risen to the challenge and is doing well. (This orthodontist wants kids to use a specific electric toothbrush which is pretty uncomfortable for DS but he is a trooper and sticking with it). Also, it may help that he is partial to soft foods, could live on yogurt, for example, so his diet didn't change much. He misses raw carrots and whole apples, but we cut them thin and he is ok with it.

I would make sure the orthodontist understands your concerns, and make sure your DD is involved in the conversations/plans. For example, DS knows his total braces time will be slightly longer because of the slower approach they are starting with, but they explained that they felt he would tolerate it much better. So far, it has been easier than DS expected, so I think that has helped him hold up his end of things (hygiene particularly, but also being careful to avoid certain foods).

Also, I make sure to give him some Tylenol or Ibuprofen before we visit the orthodontist, and make sure to have some favorite soft meals planned for the next few days. Lots of lip balm helps, too. Lunches at school can be tough- lots of yogurt, I make big batches of applesauce, soup, puddings, smoothies, etc. It takes a lot more time to brush they way they are expected to, so we try to remind him early, be patient, etc.

Good luck-