Thanks, cricket3--I had really forgotten about the details. I do think we need to get DD to be 'ready.' I was thinking it wouldn't be such a big deal but she has been really talking about all the downsides a lot since they told us her teeth were all in and we could start. I guess I need to have a discussion with the orthodontist about DD--I think he's good, but their office is such an assembly line I wonder if they've had many reluctant kids there. DD was asking a lot of questions at the last appointment about foods and they seemed patient with her but we really only got a couple of 'bullet points' that were also on the back of her appointment card which were basically "no popcorn" and "no chewy or hard candy," which had DD literally in tears. Nobody talked about pain, which is good in a way I guess, but she will definitely need to be ready or I think it will be a very bad scene.

Thanks again for the details.