Oh boy! Her math teacher pulled me aside yesterday and said she recommends moving dd back down to 3rd grade math. Overall, dd had a terrible report card yesterday.
I am thinking that is boils down to a confidence issue. Third grade is harder than second, more is expected and she has not risen to the challenge. I think she was embarrassed that it was harder and didn't say anything out of pride. A couple of people I have mentioned this to asking for help have said that third grade is the great equalizer (as in ha, ha, your child is not gifted!) and that it is likely we are putting too much pressure on dd.
Right now our plan is to find her a teenaged girl to mentor her in math with Singapore Math or another curriculum. It is our hope that an enthusiastic role model will help.
I have also learned that I need to support her more educationally this year. Her homework has been diy up to this point and now I need to step up and sit with her at the table.
I am upset that the school did not alert us before this but all is not lost.
I will definitely look into the ideas mentioned here! Let me know if you run across anything else! We have been doing Rapid Math and we did Xtra Math last year. DD hates being timed and I don't blame her at all!