DS5 is in PM K this year. He is being placed in a cluster group for reading. He has a folder of extra math worksheets, but doesn't complete them and there is no extra math teaching occuring. DH and I met with teacher and principal and they will not be doing anything additional this year. They have agreed to place him in a 1st grade classroom next year with other advanced kids. I have outreached to the Gifted teacher, but the K teacher does not want her assistance. DS is happy and having fun with new friends and we challenge him with math and science work at home in the AM.

In the interim to 1st grade, I was thinking it might be worthwhile to get an IQ test. The gifted teacher does not support this. She has stated that DS will not be tested until 3rd grade citing something about brain development not being far enough along prior to K. Are there disadvantages to IQ testing in K? Has anyone had a negatice experience with this? Anyone have any articles or words of support that I can take to the school supporting IQ testing at this age? Any help would be greatly appreciated.