This is just a hunch, but I think part of the push-back you are getting from school is due to what happened a lot in our school district in the first few years of elementary school - you are most likely not the only parent asking for differentiation and acceleration, there are probably quite a few. Most of these parents only have their hunch about their child's ability, not an IQ test. When we were advocating for our EG ds, we found it extremely helpful to have that early IQ test because whenever a teacher or staff member tried to say "Well everyone wants that" or "Every parent thinks their child is smart" we were able to pull out the actual numbers so they couldn't argue that we just *thought* our child was "that smart". You might not be hearing things like that said out loud and overtly to you... but the school staff may very well be thinking it anyway - and that's where having the testing could potentially help in advocating.
