Let me explain how not prepped she was. I mailed the application on the last possible day because I was ambivalent about leaving her school (I was heavily involved with their friends of organization and it is my neighborhood school so we have a lot riding on it beyond our kids...property value etc. Crazy I know, but this is Chicago, man, we are through the lookingglass here I can tell you).
After that, I had an early, urgent C-section in January because I was developing pre-eclampsia (again...my daughter was born preemie due to HELLP syndrome/severe pre eclampsia). I had a raging case of post partum depression coupled (or because of) the stress of having a newborn in January during the deep freeze. And my Mom had just gone home when I had to haul them both to the testing center down at IIT by myself b/c hubby was working. It was a miracle we made it at all. I was still trying to nurse him, so all I really remember about the whole thing was hoping she would be through before he had to eat...and she was gone forever.
So yeah, no prep. Kid would have probably enjoyed being prepped because otherwise I paid no attention to her for, like, a year. Poor thing.
She's way more awesome than I deserve her to be...