Race to Nowhere. Yes, it's a thing.
Mostly the "thing" that it turns out to be is that the programs that are stuffed with special prepped snowflakes and TigerCubs wind up also needing "help" or needing for the expectations of the program to be "more realistic."
(You can see where this is going, right?)
Which is how we get to a place where "honors" high school graduates and valedictorians wind up needing remedial college coursework, and how HG+ children get to sit in classrooms twiddling their thumbs and being told that it IS the "gifted" class...
it was
Laverne and Shirley reruns, making Kraft Mac-n-cheese without burning my BFF's house down, and The Clash for me personally. I took the same trajectory.

A fair number of us here have really been blindsided by how crazy-train this whole thing has gotten. As my DD14 tells me, now....
"Coooooooooooo- Ckooooooo!! Everybody climb aboard!! The crazy train is leavin' the station!" (Yes, she picked up that sarcastic streak from I don't know where. She SNEERS quite openly at superscoring. Has refused to take any exams more than once-- on principle. That's m'girl.)