Originally Posted by blackcat
One thing I don't want DS to take is the timed, written CogAt next year to qualify for gifted programming. It was a ridiculous test for DD with her ADHD and I'm sure DS will do poorly on it as well. I'm not sure if they need to fill in a bubble sheet, or write things down on scratch paper or anything, but if there is any chance he will be at a disadvantage due to not being able to write (or slow), I don't want him given the test. His WISC IV GAI is above the cut off but they will probably consider that test too old by that time.

I agree with you here. So far, in my experience the WISC IV is the best test for our types of kids because the PSI can be taken out and the PSI is what is greatly affected by their disabilities. My DS scored absymally on his PSI - really really low (it was classified as "extremely low" and is in the 1st %ile frown All those years of OT (and months of VT) and his coding and symbol search are off the charts low. BUT they can be disregarded with the GAI and should not get in his way of getting gifted services. I think the same sections (PSI) are greatly affected by ADHD (not an expert though but that is my suspicion). I think for getting gifted for him you would need to get a private WISC IV and the get the school to take that. Do you know how long is "too old" for the school to use by any chance? I am just curious when WISC IV scores are no longer considered current.

Last edited by Irena; 09/27/13 08:20 AM.