Wow that stinks! Unbelievable! I feel for you guys. After all the trouble I had with DS's school last year they really appear to be on the ball this year - they have DS typing his writing for things like journal, writers workshop, etc (they give him a choice scribe or type and he chooses typing), they are also providing typing instruction (I believe that is happening during OT by the OT), they are got him an Ipad. And they have been providing him with scribing accomodations when they are suppose to in accordance with the IEP. If my DS's school can do it so can your DD's! I think maybe my DS's teacher is making a difference... I wonder a bit that perhaps DS's teacher last year really did not think he needed his accomodations. I am not sure if it were a personal thing with that teacher, ie., she for some reason felt that DS really could simply "grow out" of his disability/accomodations; or maybe it's just a matter of having a more formal disgnosis or maybe just the fact that they realized I will not be pushed around and will advocate for all my son needs... maybe a combination, I guess. But I do get a different vibe altogether from this teacher (so far). The teacher is the one who really got the typing stuff going ASAP after chatting with me on the phone (we don't have our iep mtg for another few weeks).

I think you need to call an IEP meeting!

Last edited by Irena; 09/24/13 05:39 AM.