So DD started her out of district placement last week. Consultant, lawyer and psych all said to delay starting her until all services were in place. Late in the day Friday we got a call from the school saying everything was in place and they were ready for her to start Monday. I took a deep breath and sent her in.

The first day the iPad wasn't charged but at least it was there. The next day they discovered the district had it password protected but hadn't provided the password. As the week went on they and we both tried to reach the new DSS at our district to get the info. No luck. By Thursday they determined Dragon Dictation, the only app available, was not working for her. They stopped sending the iPad home.

Where was the 5 day a week AT instruction? Where was the keyboarding? Where were the audio books?

DD is writing everything by hand. I found out tonight that when she said she "listened to a book" she meant someone read it aloud to her - no audio books.

Today we get an email from new DSS saying that the school (and we) were "confused". The only thing DD is supposed to be using the iPad for is Dragon Dictation. You know - the thing that doesn't work for her.

School director is trying to reach new DSS. We've already called the lawyer.

So much for cautiously optimistic...