Ultramarina - I am just trying to figure out if its nothing more than needing some rote learning, or if there is some other issue.
Today we did a bunch of exercises around counting 1s/10s with manipulatives and manipulating ideas about those numbers verbally, and it was interesting the odd gaps she has. No trouble conceiving that 12 blocks could represent 12 ones OR 12 tens, could count the 12 "tens" and say "12 tens" could count them by 10s and say "120", could write "12 10s = 120", but verbally struggled with converting back and forth between 12 10s and 120. It seems much easier for her to count the objects by hand but to think about the concepts seperately from the manipulatives (or maybe just on paper) does that make any sense at all? It seems when looking at the numbers it's easy to understand that 12 groups of 10 equals 120, by when saying it outloud she gets confused about where to put the zero? Maybe this is a visual thinker issue?
I think the adding/subtracting/counting difficulties may be age and/or ADHD related. She was having trouble accurately counting larger groups of beads today as she'd loose her place or miss one. Like wise when asked to add or subtract without beads she wants to use her fingers but the gets muddled.