I was just talking with DH about this, she's a very private little person (partly this is extreme perfectionism, can't bear to find out she's wrong), so she's mubbling and waggling her fingers enough that I can tell she's doing SOMETHING but not what exactly. I will try the "teach teddy" approach tomorrow and see what that reveals.
I think it is worse with subtraction (need to pay more attention), so I have been teaching her to add up to the number she needs to subtract from (ie calculate 13-7 like this: 7 + 3 [to get to ten] + 3 [to get to thirteen] = 7+6 SO 13-7=6). She has no problem following this concept at all, perhaps she will start applying it herself.
She's equally strong verbally/visually on IQ test, but it is entirely possible that she does think about this sort of thing visually, which I don't AT ALL. Edited to add: There is no way I could visualise numbers based on a deck of cards for example.
Last edited by MumOfThree; 09/15/13 09:06 PM.