I just wanted to post a follow-up to share the success I had in averting upset today. DS' (wonderful!) aunt looks after him for an hour a few days per week while I exercise. Today, while I was getting showered and dressed after my workout, DS and his aunt were reading a book that featured a scene with a baby boy wailing, "I want my Mommy!" Aunt's theatric reading of the line sent DS into a full-blown half hour meltdown of tears and wailing about me leaving him, which even nursing (our magic bullet) couldn't assuage.

Fast forward a few hours and he requested to read the same book again. I skipped ahead to the end of the book and we discussed the mother's joyful reunion with the son and acted it out. I reminded him of the separation scene. When it came to the line, I read it matter-of-factly withou drama, and he was fine! We both enjoyed the book thoroughly.

So, long story short, the recommendation worked well! Thanks again!

What is to give light must endure burning.