Love You Forever is the one classic that DD has never had me read to her...

because I dissolve into undignified SOBS by the end... blush

It's (IMO) hard to know what is OE's versus developmentally normative at 22mo, I think. DD is not particularly OE this way-- but she went through an "anxious/fearful" period at about this age.

The difference between that phase in her and in friends' children was that she had a better grasp on fantasy/reality and so her fears were the kinds of things that much older children and even adults would have been concerned with... so they were that much harder to defuse since you couldn't just rely upon "do you think that could really happen?"

The problem was that she COULD actually be hit by a car... or lose a parent in an auto accident... or get lost in the grocery store... etc, etc.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.