Ok, but Charlotte's Web really is upsetting because of Charlotte! DH says he was traumatized by that and refused to let DD read it yet. I didn't read it until I was much older, though I was in a play of it. Apparently this is a thing, as several other people told me the book busted them up as kids--though I don't understand--just like people being terrified of the flying monkeys in Wizard of Oz.

DD's thing is knowing characters are making a mistake or about to find something out. The tension is too much for her. DS, too. There's no hide and seek in our home, and she'll never want to watch shows like The Office (I can't either!).

More on topic, I think it's great that at 22mo he can speak up when it upsets him. My friend's daughter is clearly gifted and incredibly sensitive to stories, movies, even instrumental music. But she's growing out of it slowly but surely over the years. My DD definitely has grown out of some of it too; I think the feeling are so big but the experiences still so limited, it's hard to manage. After they learn more about narrative patterns and the world it's easier for them. But I did very carefully select materials for my very young kids! Some books are really scary or nasty, but there are great gentle ones too.

Last edited by St. Margaret; 09/05/13 01:05 PM. Reason: Spoilers ;)