What immediate consequences worked for your child? When DS hits me he gets an immediate time out. I'll stand him up against something (wall, bush, car - wherever we are). Usually DS will throw his head backward into my pelvis and/or slink to the ground and try to scoot away. DS's nurse told me that I should put him in a time out and sit six feet away from him while giving him the evil eye should he move. However, the evil eye doesn't work on DS - he gets up and leaves. If I sit him back down the process repeats itself.

When DS hit me this evening I tried something different. I acted dramatic and wounded (insert somewhat rampant emotionalism). DS told me that I was okay - stopped acting out physically, but still didn't go in the house like I'd asked him to. His anger with me is always b/c he doesn't get to do what he wants when he wants. I'm not sure if this is the same situation at school. In the morning DS tells me that he doesn�t want to go to school and that he wants to stay home with me. However, that�s not an option for us.