Hey Gang!

I received a call from DS2�s (turns 3 in Nov) school today. I was told that DS is increasingly more aggressive with the other kids, and they�re not sure why. Specifically, this morning DS pushed, hit and kicked the other kids. After he hit one child, DS went over to his teacher � wagged his index finger at her and said �No hitting. We don�t hit our friends.� DS�s teacher said that he obviously knows what he�s doing is wrong since he used the same words she uses to scold naughty behavior. She also said that she doesn�t think DS is bored.

I took DS to the doctor yesterday to see if he was sick. DS�s health is fine. Our home-life is okay (i.e., emotionally stable and peaceful). You should know that DS hits DH and me too. DS hits/kicks me more, but I think that�s just b/c I spend the most quality time with him. DS is our only child.

How do you know when your child�s behavior is purely age-appropriate or something else (i.e., more or different)? I�ve read �1-2-3 Magic� and �The Happiest Toddler on the Block� without much improvement in DS�s behavior. DS�s grandma, DH and I have all made sure we�re disciplining the same.

Have any of you used a child psychologist? I�m not sure what else to do, and I thought an *expert* may be able to help. I would like it if someone who knows/understands children could spend time with DS and tell me what they think. I�m not sure what type of qualifications this person would have. Any ideas?

I hope all of you are doing well.
