Nap? What is a nap? She gave up all napping 1 month after turning 2. If we insist on it she would get REALLY grumpy and not be able to sleep until 11 or 12 at night. She sleeps for about 11 hours a day - to bed at 9:30 and up at 8:30 the next morning. On weekends she often will sleep until 9:30 or 10am, but then be so bounce-off-the-walls awake that we can't get her to sleep until 11pm. She gave up morning naps at 6 months. Naps are bad news for her, but she's always been an excellent sleeper. She started sleeping through the night (9pm-8am) starting at 2 weeks old, and has stuck with this pattern her whole life. Even as a newborn, for those first 2 weeks she would only wake up once to feed. On vacations she can pretty easily go to bed a little later due to the excitement of the trip, and she's fine. If we put her to bed at 7:30 (after dealing with all the screaming) we would only get to spend 1.5 hours with her (pick up at 6). Add in the 0.5 h in the morning, and that's 2 hours of contact a day with my child - totally unacceptable. I'd be happy to have her nap at school but she truly doesn't need it.

Tired really doesn't exist at our house. Nor does getting up before 8am (for any of us!).