Just wanted to add that DS10 learned to ride his bike last weekend, and it was virtually painless. I cleaned it up and aired up the tires a couple weeks ago, and it's been sitting there waiting for him to talk himself into it. I suggested offhand that the evening had cooled off and we ought to try his bike, on Saturday night, and to my surprise, he agreed. He got on, had a horrible time initially with trying to get his second foot on the pedal, and I saw that the seat was way too low. Not surprising, since he won that bike when he was in first grade (way too big for him then). So I raised the seat, and he got on and just took off! He had some wobbly moments, figuring out how to steer and pedal at the same time, but he did really well. He rode around until it was too dark to see.

Sunday, he rode across town (2 miles) to his friend's house, and rode back with his friend to play in the river. Friend took off later with another friend, and he went out around town to find them. I can't believe he could still move on Monday. smile

It was like he built up this wall in his head all these years, and when he went to push it over, it was just a house of cards. He's ready to tackle swimming now. Summer just got a whole lot bigger!