Thanks for all the ideas and experience!! I especially appreciate the 2e experience because it is a different set of issues on top of what others have to address.

We are so excited to have our new vehicle arrive here today! Polar like you suggested it is sort of a break from the bike idea for a bit but still fulfilling his need to "get out there".

He has already named the new vehicle: "The Kid Zord Power Rover" and we have a little theme-song that he has been singing with me at home. We just started OT this week and finished our second session. He LOVES his therapy place and therapist. He works really hard for her and begs to stay bit longer when his hour is up. However, back at home after therapy his resiliency is used up and we are dealing with meltdown mania. So working on a new skill at home too will not be possible right now. We are working more on soothing activities and heavy work/organizing in between times. I'm hoping being able to ride his Kid Zord Power Rover is going to help with that.