Here's the problem that teachers, as a whole, have got to understand at some point - until they allow BAD teachers to be fired, and GOOD teachers to be given raises/promotions, they are all going to continue to be tarred by the handful of crap teachers.

All it takes is one shit teacher to sully a parents view of the school/district. One single year with one crap teacher can completely alter a parents view of their child's education. And they will likely talk about that crap teacher with their friends.

It's a very serious problem, and until teachers are willing to be treated like every single other profession, they are going to have problems.

Also, I have to agree with Irena.. as a parent of a 2e kid I cannot just assume the teacher is going to know what's going on with my kid. If I'd blindly trusted all his previous teachers he'd have probably ended up in a psychiatric ward! And I *have* had teachers straight up lie to my face about my child. It's very disconcerting, I know, but my child rarely, if ever, lies. And when he attempts to, he's terrible at it. So, yes, I ask my child to confirm a teacher's story - not necessarily because I do not believe her, but because I want to hear, from him, what happened.

TL;DR: One bad apple spoils the bunch.
