I took DD (6yo) to the library shakespeare club, run by a local theater company. No idea what to expect. It was mostly older folks, though one teen was new this month. They were a bit surprised by DD's presence but she read along for nearly two hours and read her bits of the play we started (Midsummer) quite well. It was so wonderful to find a place out in the community and not just with me/DH where she could engage in her interests! Then at the end the leader (from the theater co.) told me one of her daughters was just like DD. That they'd changed schools many times, etc. She totally gets it! I was so nervous about going and it was great. The best part is they meet monthly and will do comedies all summer, and that DD loved it! She was very complimentary of the other readers, especially the teen (who is probably going to acting college), saying it sounded just like she imagined when she read Lysander smile Her dressing him down as Helena and calling him "young man" cracked me up. And she made a lovely little singing fairy smile