I do have some sense that this is about existential angst/depression and some sense of isolation due to being PG, plus that general disconnectedness that many adolescents feel (and which seems to be something of a developmental thing).

In Dabrowskian terms, I'd say this is a disintegration in progress.

Not sure what to do about it, however, or how to offer her any guidance. Not even sure that a mental health professional would have very good guidance if I'm right about causation.

The Zen suggestion is a good one. I think that I know precisely what that means, actually... wink But I'm Taoist in philosophy and have been for decades, so Zen often makes a great deal of sense to me.

I think that guided meditation, Zen (or related) quotes/philosophy, and art-therapy (again, the DIY variety where DD retains autonomy of the process) might be a good way to approach things with her.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.