Originally Posted by aquinas
Originally Posted by JonLaw
I suspect this particular problem/issue is exogenous and not endogenous.

Well phrased.


Dude, I know exactly what you're saying there.

I was the female version of you, apparently. wink Let's just say that you're not wrong about the female experience being profoundly different. (Scary thoughts for parents of girls, trust me...)

DD's trauma at the hands of an older peer seems to have put tendrils into that realm and made her terrified of... well, something.

Gosh, I sure wish that she were willing to work with a professional here. I worry terribly about her coping skills. It's a lot to manage for anyone, much less someone already trying to manage adolescence with a huge degree of asynchrony.

We worry that her socially-prescribed perfectionism lends itself all-too readily to maladaptive coping mechanisms. Guess I need to put my thinking cap on again and suggest a greater variety of positive coping skills. Home-brewed CBT, if you will.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.