Thanks, GG. It is nice to know that there are others out there who have BTDT and found answers.

Trinity: I hadn't really thought of schooling like that until you pointed it out. Now that I think about it, a neighbor of ours who has homeschooled had commented on how they get all their coursework done in such a short time. Maybe it is possible?????

Meanwhile, today was the emotional meltdown. Son started to cry whent he bus came. I had to drive him to school. He wanted me to stay with him all day, we sat in the hall outside his class for over half an hour, trying to let him calm down and go in to join his class. He just kept crying that he can't stand how boring it is. So I finally said, let's go home. He balked at first, then said yes. I said we would do school at home that he likes.

But then at home when he picked out a book to read, it was an easy one that he read over a year ago! When given the choice between picking a harder book to read at home or going to school, he picked school!!!! What's with that?! I'm thinking, wants challenge but has such a hard time dealing with it. This has come out on several tests/observations.

I did talk with the principal. He is going to have the school social worker get involved. So he hopes to have a meeting date set by the end of the week. Then the social worker will observe and meet DS before the meeting. Maybe we can come up with something. There are multiple dynamics going on. I hope we can sort it all out.