Blessed, Do you know of any place where the IEW basics are spelled out? The materials are not cheap and I'd like to learn more about what I'm signing up for before making the purchase. I realize you just gave a sense of the program--but any website or other source that provides more info?

Polarbear, Thanks so much for coming back and weighing in with more thoughts! (Hope your road trip was good too.)

Your description (in the last long paragraph of the post immediately above) also describes my son's writing situation. EXCEPT when he doesn't seem to have trouble. We're planning to dig in with numerous new ideas this summer. If either one of us has any insights about what the heck is going on with our children, I hope we can both benefit!

Thanks for the prod to follow up with vision testing. Last time we checked, it was fine (except, as I said, I bet there's still somewhat of a tracking issue--but he can read music reasonably well and is now a strong reader of books, so what gives? Then again, maybe he struggles to read the music and then memorizes quickly...)

Yes--a VMI test does seem in the cards. Score was supposedly in the 90th percentile two years ago (Beery-Buktenica), which seems weirdly high, but the special ed person at the school said at the time, "he won't have trouble writing." He usually does not control the pencil with his non-dominant hand. The neuropsych person is the only person who has ever witnessed this so I don't know what was going on. I double checked with the teachers when I read that in the report--and they have never seen the behavior.

Last edited by evelyn; 06/03/13 09:05 AM.