I guess that what I'm getting at in regard to false positives are kids who score high on the group test but not an individual IQ test. I'm not necessarily implying that their group test scores were falsely high on the group test but more that they are not necessarily indicative of intellectual giftedness but rather high achiever, convergent thinker -ness :-) ( sorry for the made up suffix! )

For instance, and this is a very small anecdote, but I know two kids locally who had high CogAT and/or OLSAT scores but average scores on the WISC with no unusual scatter on the WISC indicating depressed scores from a 2e issue or something else. They both also had high working memory and processing speed on the WISC relative to their other WISC indices leaving me wondering if one can appear gifted on a group test through a combo of high speed, memory, and in the box thinking, none if which would necessarily say "gifted" to me.