Wow what a treasure trove of research you've shared with us this morning!! I'm excited to wake up to all the work you have done here.

Thanks so much for opening this discussion. So many gifted programs strictly use the CogAt and refuse outside testing that we really do need a developed body of research to aid when scores vary so widely.

I get that schools want cheap testing and need to eliminate push parents who want little Suzy in whether she needs it or not... but yes, what about false positives?? And what of the Canadian study where HALF of the qualified applicants were not identified?

I also wonder if there is a predictable group or set of factors which correlates with being misidentified on CogAt. If THAT research were available it could allow schools to continue with their cheap group testing while offering the option for other testing to be used in that cohort only.

Makes we want to start a grad program in psych testing and start doing that research!