Originally Posted by kelly0523
Good article, Ametrine, thanks for posting!

You're welcome. I know it's common sense, but still thought it would help.

DS just told me a fellow student's dad died. (Unrelated to the tornado.) He said,

"Mom, people are like flowers."
"How so?" said I.
"Because they are born, become apples, bananas and oranges, then die like adults."
"What makes you say that?" said I.
"Because _____(child's name) dad died.

I was unprepared for this conversation. I was making dinner and he was making a robot. I questioned him on whether he was confused and it was his schoolmate's grandfather who died, but he was positive it was her dad. He told me she wants to "talk-talk-talk" about it.
I've told him whenever she brings it up to tell her he's sorry and to give her a hug.

I've recently interacted with _____'s mom and had no idea her husband just died.