It's not a *huge* problem for us, but kind of an annoyance. The basic rule is that the school doesn't allow "characters" on the clothes. That's fine, but my life is so much easier when I don't have to make him change in the morning.

One day, I let him wear pajamas to school because I figured it's Montessori and should be child-centered and all. I got scolded by the teacher. And I mean, it really did feel like a scolding. For the next few days when my son would say, "but why do I have to change my clothes?" I'd say, "Because Mrs. Teacher is going to put mommy in a time-out" Now, he generally sleeps in clothes that he can go to school in.

The biggest issue for us as been hair. He had a haircut that was kind of spikey, but still long. Kinda rocker bedhead-ish. At home, he'd sometimes rock some colors in it. It used hair glue. Anyway, on Valentine's day, I let him wear some pink in his hair to school, then that day he didn't take a bath, so there was some residual pink in the hair the next day. The teacher then told me, "You need to stop letting him spike his hair because it's affecting his concentration." I was like, "uh, yeah. *That's* the problem." (At that point, we'd been complaining for months about the work in class being too easy for him.)

Once school's out (13 more days!) I think he's gonna go wild with like a mohawk or something.