I am so grateful for your comments and advice...I was getting so overwhelmed I felt as if I was becoming a bad mom and not enjoying the ride...
Shortly after I last posted, we left DS for a couple of days with my parents which left us time to relax and regroup.
I am trying to apply your numerous ideas to our daily life and, as I mentioned before, they seem to be working, yayyy...And conjointly, overnight, DS starting being very cooperative putting unwanted food items BACK in his plate rather than on the floor without being asked, getting him a lot of praise in the process which he of course loves. We also started a game where we hand each other items and say thank you and he now uses it with purpose.
Jen4103 very pertinently mentioned, on this thread, that I was probably letting him get away with things because he showed signs of being gifted...Spot on. I find my mind racing all over the place with this little one without much certainty I can hang on too and wanted to avoid making mistakes, afraid that they would have a specific impact on him...which leads to very inefficient parenting (and bad disciplary decisions!)
When he is showing typical toddler behaviour, albeit with a hyperactive twist
Anyway, again a BIG thank you for all the info...I am so glad I found this place!
You guys are awesome...