Wow ladies,
I am overwhelmed at the amazingly thorough responses I got from all of you and my husband and I have taken great comfort in reading your advice. We started applying a medley of tricks we read here immediately when we got home and drum roll, it actually worked...I used a calm CNN-like voice

and explained that chewing on the computer cord will hurt him and wouldn't he rather a peice of bread as it was snack time. He hesitated for a second then put it down, took the bread and smiled...only 2 shrieks this evening. Before going back to work (I'm on night shift), i took some time and just simply talked to him, chit-chatting about stuff around the house and he was a gem...
Honestly didn't think it would work so a big massive thank you!!! I now have a wealth of information just in case one of THOSE days comes back which I'm sure will, but now we feel we are better equipped. I will also look into the various books...
Oh and to Howlerkarma, we are lucky to have a good daycare center right around the corner where there are no more than 10 children in his class at a time. He goes there 3 days a week and loves it. He plays with the older children and they are always excited when he shows up, letting him lead games at times, and being generally adorable with him. The teachers are starting to ask us if DS does certain things at home because they've never seen a child that age do or like the things he engages in.
(I do sense they are not trained to identify advanced or gifted children however; I live in a country where we have very little advocacy)
So for now we have remained rather discreet about what he does as there seems to be no problem and we don't want him to be labeled.The other two days a week we alternate between the sets of grandparents and he LOVES going...
You have been so kind and I am sorry to trouble you with another question but I have never chatted before with other moms with similar kids and I am now on a roll!
When did you know that your child was "different"? Did they continue barreling through milestones, or have moments where they slowed down before regaining momentum?
And last of all I was wondering if it's possible that a kid can do things really in advance at first and then join the mean (which is totally cool with us!). Just asking as we were having a debate as a family about this...
Again thank you so very much...and have a great day!