The asynchrony is such a challenge. My best advice is to create a physical environment where "no" only needs to be said in emergencies. Then, harness his verbal ability and be relentlessly consistent in enforcing your few silver bullet issues. In our house, those are electricity, knives, hot cooking equipment, the street, and moving vehicles. We're now at the point that the payoff of sounding like a broken record is manifesting as DS (18mo) internalizing the party lines and self-correcting, so rest assured the effort is worthwhile. It's both eerie and reassuring to hear these lines coming from a one year old...
"Knives sharp, cut you."
"Stove hot, burn you."
"Electricity in plug, shock you."
Another strategy that works nicely is having several "stretch" activities or books on the go simultaneously. You may be surprised at the level of media required to sustain his attention...think stuff usually targeted at children 4-7. I find little idle hands are the ones getting into mischief...