I liked the article. It tallies with my experience as a member of generation y. I could not believe some of the things I saw in college. Students that didn't know how to use a washer and dryer would save up their laundry and take it home to mom at the end of the month. Many people thought that "knowing how to cook" meant being able to make toast and pasta. It just seemed that many people my age were woefully unprepared to do anything in life except (maybe) succeed academically.

I think this helicopter parenting is a lot more pervasive than we'd like to believe. My friends and I (we are now approaching 30) have spent the better part of a decade trying to get our parents to detach. Parents want to oversee job searches, they want to check your tax forms, they want to tell you what car to buy, they want to know your credit score, they want to put your budget into a spreadsheet for you, they want to organize your pantry, they want to see all your pictures on facebook, they want to make sure you saw the traffic report this morning, etc. (Just to be clear, I run in a very responsible circle -- there's no reason to believe we need to be treated like children.)

Anyway, that's my rant about helicopter parents. Hopefully I can avoid the pitfalls for my two kids. :-)