Wow, that is really extreme. And no, I disagree, you don't look like a helicopter parent in that situation, like I said to the PP her safety is your first priority, period.

Again, when it comes to medical conditions, I would never judge anyone as a helicopter parent, my examples are more everyday typical average case scenarios that don't need to be micro managed for the safety of the child.

I am glad your DD is so in tune with her symptoms. That would be hard to live with, for sure. I apologize because quite honestly, that is the most severe case of allergies I have EVER heard of.

My life threatening allergy is latex and that sounds pretty benign, but I have inhalation symptoms as well and when we had our interior home painted, my throat swelled shut during the night and I couldn't speak and couldn't get my husband to wake up (heavy sleeper). I thought I was going to die. Luckily my asthma inhaler and going outside provided enough relief to get a small amount of air to pass through and I was able to collect myself and get my epi pen, but yes, it was scarey and I know what you mean when you say people don't understand that you can breathe in an allergen and die from it. It may sound idiotic, but they told me there was no latex in the paint. I beg to disagree.

You have my complete understanding.