Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
frugal, your DD and my DS should get together. He is obsessed with taking things apart. If we don't finish a Lego construction in an evening, he takes it all apart and puts it away.

Digital seems like a good way to go. Rather than Minecraft, I'd suggest getting her started with Google Sketchup (free.) It's a great start into digital 3d modelling which will be a highly useful skill in the near future as 3d printing becomes more and more cost effective for home use.

LOL...I can't imagine DD ever taking anything apart when she is in the middle of putting it together. She will ask to stay up later to get it done, ask to take it with her if we need to go somewhere, or get right back to it in the morning as soon as she wakes up.

I will have to look into Sketchup - I haven't heard of it. Thanks for the idea!