Originally Posted by epoh
We don't have this same problem with legos, but my daughter seems to have some SERIOUS hoarding tendencies. We have to implement limits. Her personal favorite is keeping paper! Doesn't matter what it is, she wants to KEEP IT ALL. So, when a big stack of stuff comes home from school, I tell her she can select FOUR items to keep in the drawer in her room - the rest go into the recycling. She's gotten a bit better, thank god.

We have this issue with DD7! She gets so mad that we don't keep every single thing she brings home from school. We have explained and showed her that we do keep some of the papers but that we can't keep them all. She still gets upset when she sees them in the trashcan, but will ask us what we kept and as long as she knows we are keeping something she is okay with it.

She is the opposite of DD9, however, with the things in her room. If she doesn't feel like cleaning up her stuff then she will just tell us it is okay if we go in, bag up everything on the floor and get rid of it. Of course she will pick up the things that are most important to her, but just leave the rest. DD9 doesn't ever want to get rid of anything - rocks, sticks, buttons, springs, insect wings - I could go on and on!!!